Curriculum Overview
Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) is a leading provider of international qualifications and assessments for students aged 5 to 19. Their mission is to prepare students for life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning.
Primary school years
People’s Public School Primary Years Programme is built around the Cambridge Primary curriculum framework. During these years, we motivate our learners to be increasingly curious & discover information about the surrounding world. The Primary programme aids identification of a learner’s strengths & weaknesses to support learning & development. The Primary programme progresses learners seamlessly into the Cambridge Secondary programme.
Middle school years
While the primary years establish a solid platform of enquiry and create a thirst for knowledge, the middle years shift the emphasis of enquiry. During these 3 years, understanding the prescribed academic concepts is of prime importance. Students continue to question and learn through active experience but in the middle years, great focus and attention are paid to the facts and principles underlying each subject. Extensive participation in co-curricular activities is mandatory while special age-appropriate programmes also form part of the educational milieu.
Our classrooms are dynamic spaces and students work in groups, pairs and individually. They are encouraged to show their learning in many different ways e.g. presentations, demonstrations, quizzes, peer assessment as well as tests.
The lower secondary years are characterised by an increasingly focused approach with specialist teachers for all subjects. This ensures that not only are students developing their knowledge and skills but that they are also prepared for the rigours of the examination courses which begin with the Cambridge IGCSE.
Cambridge IGCSE Curriculum
IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is a two year programme leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge.
Our students are offered a curriculum that includes around 20+ IGCSE examination subjects. These include the core ones of English Language, Mathematics and Combined Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Economics, Business, Global and many more. Exactly what is available in a particular year will depend upon a number of factors. What is ensured is suitability for our students and the key curriculum factors of breadth and balance. Depth and quality goes without saying with all Cambridge courses!
Cambridge AS and A Level Curriculum
The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, or A Level, is the ‘gold standard’ of Cambridge qualifications. It is accepted as an entry qualification by universities of the European Union and elsewhere around the world. The study program is an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepare students for success at university and life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students.
The advantage of ‘A Level’ is that students can choose to study subject-specific qualifications. And, with no compulsory subjects, students can focus on what they are passionate about and good at. Therefore, it makes the study process more enjoyable and broadens the scope of success. This programme has an enviable reputation for academic rigour and places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and intercultural understanding.
By offering CAIE qualifications, our school is providing our students with a globally recognized education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Our teachers receive extensive training and support from CAIE, enabling them to deliver high-quality teaching and learning experiences that inspire and engage our students.
We are proud to be a part of the CAIE community and believe that our partnership with this esteemed organization will help us achieve our goal of providing our students with a world-class education that prepares them for success in the future.